Understanding- Oxidation -and -Reduction- Reaction- in- Organic -Chemistry

Understanding Oxidation and Reduction Reaction in Organic Chemistry

Reachem Chemicals


September 4th, 2024

Organic chemistry, a field often overlooked, fundamentally revolves around the behaviour of molecules and their transformations. At its core, this discipline is about how molecules change from one form to another. Of all the discussed reactions, oxidation and reduction are particularly important, especially in organic chemistry. Regardless of whether you are a student, an aspiring chemist, or simply someone with a curious mind, understanding these concepts is incredibly useful. In this blog, we will make a brief comparison of oxidation and reduction reactions.

What Are Oxidation and Reduction Reactions?

Redox reactions are known as oxidation and reduction reactions. These are processes in which electrons are transferred from one compound to another. Further, these reactions are basic to organic chemistry and are involved in most of the important biological transformations.

Oxidation: It is the process by which electrons are removed from an atom or a molecule. As electrons are taken away from a molecule, it gets increasingly oxidised.

Reduction: Also known as the reduction process in which a molecule takes a step forward in increasing its number of electrons. Positive means there are fewer electrons around the nucleus. Meanwhile, negative means that there are more electrons around the nucleus. Therefore, when a molecule gains electrons, it becomes more reduced.

In organic chemistry, these reactions may include addition or subtraction of specific oxygen or hydrogen atoms.

The Importance of Oxidation and Reduction in Organic Chemistry

This is not only about the theoretical chemistry concepts like oxidation and reduction reactions but also about the reactions for the organic compounds. Such reactions are common in energy-producing pathways like the oxidation and photosynthesis processes. They are widely used in industries where they help to synthesise different chemicals and drugs.

How to Identify Oxidation and Reduction in Organic Chemistry

Identifying whether a molecule is being oxidised or reduced in a reaction is crucial in understanding the process. Here are a few indicators:


  • Gain of oxygen atoms.
  • Loss of hydrogen atoms.
  • Increase in the oxidation state of the molecule.


  • Loss of oxygen atoms.
  • Gain of hydrogen atoms.
  • Reduction in the oxidation state of the molecule.

In organic chemistry, these changes are often subtle and require careful analysis of the molecular structure.

Oxidation and Reduction Reactions: Common Examples in Organic Chemistry

Some common examples of oxidation and reduction reactions in organic chemistry to better understand how these processes work are:

Oxidation of Alcohol

Alcohols are classifications of organic compounds that can be oxidised to give out different products. The product formed depends on the kind of alcohol that is being oxidised as well as the oxidising agent that is used.

  • Primary Alcohols: Primary alcohol, when treated with an oxidising agent, typically undergoes oxidation to form an aldehyde and, on further oxidation, a carboxylic acid.
  • Secondary Alcohols: On oxidation of secondary alcohol, a ketone is formed.
  • Tertiary Alcohols: Characteristically, the tertiary alcohols do not oxidise because the carbon atom, which has the hydroxyl group, is not bonded to a hydrogen atom.

These reactions are essential in many industrial processes, such as the production of perfumes, pharmaceutical drugs and plastics.

Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones

Aldehydes and ketones are both functional groups. They undergo reduction in the presence of a reagent such as lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4) or sodium borohydride (NaBH4).

  • Reduction of Aldehydes: This leads to the formation of primary alcohols, which represents a significant advantage of the method.
  • Reduction of Ketones: Ketones are used for the production of secondary alcohols.

These reactions are prevalent in organic synthesis. Here, large, complicated molecules are built from simpler ones.

Oxidation of Alkenes

Alkenes include carbon-carbon multiple bonds and are known to undergo oxidation to produce different products. This depends on the type of oxidants used and the nature of oxidation.

  • Epoxidation: Peroxy acids involve the formation of an epoxide, a three-membered cyclic ether from an alkene.
  • Dihydroxylation: The formation of a diol in which two hydroxyl groups are attached to the carbon atoms in the double bond.

These oxidation reactions are helpful in the preparation of most organic compounds, such as pharmaceuticals and polymers.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents: Catalysts of Change

In oxidation and reduction reactions, there are defined agents that bring about these changes. Now, we will dive into the key players that drive these reactions:

Oxidizing Agents

Oxidising agents are those which can take electrons and, in the process, reduce the other substance. In organic chemistry, common oxidising agents include:

  • Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4): A strong oxidant that selectively oxidises alcohols to carboxylic acids and alkenes to diols.
  • Chromium Trioxide (CrO3): Common in the oxidation of primary alcohols into aldehydes and carboxylic acids and generally for the oxidation of alcohols.
  • Ozone (O3): Employed in the ozonolysis of alkenes: the double bond is broken, and carbonyl compounds are formed.

These agents are significant in different organic transformations, which are important in the synthesis of many molecules.

Reducing Agents

Reducing agents donate electrons and reduce another substance. Commonly used reducing agents in organic chemistry involve:

  • Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LiAlH4): Most of these are used to reduce aldehydes, ketones, and, in some cases, carboxylic acid in alcohols, starting with a good number.
  • Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4): A less forceful reagent used for the reduction of aldehydes as well as ketones to alcohols bearing no effect on esters or carboxylic acids.
  • Hydrogen (H2): Alkenes and alkynes are the reagents that undergo hydrogenation in the catalytic hydrogenation reactions in which alkenes and alkynes are converted into alkanes.

Reduction agents are very important in synthesis, whereby they are used to facilitate the reduction of a particular functional group to produce specific products.

Balancing Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Another principle that should also be assessed in organic chemistry is the ability to evaluate redox reactions. In this, the number of electrons that have been transferred is the same as the number of electrons that have been taken. Here’s a simple approach to balancing these reactions:

  • Identify the Oxidation and Reduction Half-reactions: Adjusted down the two half-reactions several times to show the reaction that takes place, resulting in the loss or gain of electrons.
  • Balance the Atoms: Now we have to balance all the atoms that are not hydrogen and oxygen atoms. If all the other atoms are not in balance, then make them equal to be balanced out; they have to be equal.
  • Balance Oxygen Atoms: Farther down, to capture the octets of some of the oxygen atoms, you have to add water molecules.
  • Balance Hydrogen Atoms: Take over hydrogen ions (H⁺) again in order to balance the hydrogen atoms.
  • Balance the Charge: Make sure the total charge is equal by placing the electron either on the left or right side of the half-reaction.
  • Combine the Half-reactions: Omit electronic, combine in such a way that eliminates electrons.

It is easier to predict what happens in a redox reaction and the chemistry going on by balancing reactions.

Uses of Oxidation and Reduction in Organic Chemistry

Oxidation and reduction reactions are more than just academic concepts. They have practical applications in various fields, which are:

  • Metabolism: In biological systems, redox reactions have a vital role in energy consumption. Cellular respiration entails the oxidation of this glucose molecule in order to generate ATP, which is the cell’s power unit.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Redox reactions are applied in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients. It is, therefore, possible to make organic structures that are compounds of drugs.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Redox reactions are beneficial and important processes in ecological systems, for example, in the processes of cleaning water from pollutants.
  • Food Industry: Redox reactions have their application in the preservation of foods, improvement of their flavours, and in the browning of fruits and vegetables.

These applications indicate why chemists and students ought to learn about redox reactions, as such processes form the basis of many events experienced in daily life.


Chemical reactions such as oxidation and reduction reactions help one understand oxidation numbers in organic chemistry. Therefore, it enhances understanding of chemistry. These reactions form the basis of several biochemical and industrial applications. Thus, it is of immense importance for anyone who has a passion for chemistry to understand such reactions. Regardless if used in a lab, an academic setting or in general, the rules of redox chemistry cannot be underestimated by anyone interested in the science of molecules.

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